This is the painting I was working on at Celebration of the Arts in May! I finished it a couple of weeks ago and compiled the photos I took as I painted it! I hope you enjoy!
I really love mixing up imagery from different cultures and time periods. In this piece, I have a Caucasian woman wearing traditional Japanese makeup and a kimono. To me, this represents how the Body of Christ is made up of many different parts. Each part is important and each part has its own destiny working together. The sheep represent Christ as our Shepherd and the rainbow signifies the beneficial promises of God. She holds the red phone up as if to hand it to the viewer to receive the call. The Spirit calls each of us to a specific destiny that we were born and designed to do. However, we must listen to the Spirit’s leading to reach His perfect will for us.
Thank you for any comments and for passing this along! Please also check out my website for more information about this painting and others!!