Sunday, May 13, 2012

Parents, please support your artistic children!

I am really blessed to have parents who recognized my artistic talent early on. Even if they didn't always understand my 'artistic' personality, they always supported my desire to further my art education. I had art lessons in third and fifth grade and when I finally decided on an art major, they didn't discourage me from that path! My mom and dad were always quick to encourage my growth in art and never made me feel that I was wasting my time. Probably the biggest leap for them was when I quit my after college design job to paint full time. They were totally supportive! My mom still helps me out in my booth at art shows and is so proud. I know I am fortunate from the stories from my fellow art students. One friend told me his parents thought he was gay based solely on his choice to be an art major. He's not gay, by the way, and is now happily married. I imagine it is scary as a parent to have a child who wants to pursue an artistic field, especially as a career. I will be the first to tell anyone, that I am the exception. However, artistic people need a creative outlet to feel complete, whether it's music, art, literature, dance, or design. To be a career artist takes an organized personality, drive, and low overhead. Or, you are super lucky and get 'discovered.' An artist tends to be a bit sensitive, so encouragement is a must and permission to explore his or her field is important. So, even if an artist works as an accountant, waiter, doctor, teacher, or whatever during the week, knowing that the time spent pursuing their artistic passion is not a waste, is validating. So, on this Mothers Day, 2012, thanks, Mom, for always supporting my love for creating. It changed my life.

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